Day 4 - Information Processing and Plasticity - Role of Dendrites
04 May 2023Morning Session #1
- Why dendrites?
- they have elaborate dendritic trees which are very diversse across regions and function (e.g motor neuron, )
also in terms of structure/morphology
- eg. Pyradimal cell:
- soma: that looks like a pyramid
- basal dendrites on the bottom
- apical dentras on the top from the apical trunk
dendrites are input devices: synapses are located near the dendritic tree
e.g L2/3 receives 7000 synapses. There seems to be more bias towards the distal dentdrites (receive more input)
- Persistant spines (the ones that stay for months) ?
- Dentrites express ion channels across the tree
- Distribution of the channels vary along the dendritic axes, also regions and cell tyoes.
- Spatial control of ionic channels across the tree
- ion channels can generate spikes: dendritic spikes why? to efficiently propagate the spikes to the soma
- back propagating AP are generated from the soma and propaate back to the apical dendrites
- NMDA spikes (100 ms): cannot propagate very far, its more localized (they won’t reach the soma) as opposed to Ca+ spikes (10s ms) or Na+ spikes (<5ms)
- Why are these localized needed? to control the hot zone of the Ca+spike at the apical. They serve as control but not
- Should we care about modelling the dendrites
- dendritic spikes are another non-linearity
- input specificity:
- segregation of the input: where it is applied is an important characteristics
- What can these dendrites do? how does the neuron use it to perform operation?
attenuation: when putting synapses far away, they are less in amplitude –> neuron’s solution is having a local zone (NMDA) but this can be utilized as a feature to have a coincidence detector: only is th einput is arriving in a specific direction, it will have an effect (direction selectivity). This has also been shown in neuromorphic hardware: cf paper Kwabena, dendrocentric learning
- Scatter-sensitive vs cluster sensitive:
- In scatter-sensitive, scatter the inout across the dendritic tree –> we get an I_syn that reaches a plateau
- Cluster-sensitive: more localized
- Scatter-sensitive vs cluster sensitive:
- Interested in object reconition: how can we detect boubdaries (this is what allows us to recognize objects, to buid up shape representation)
- “they were trying to understand how to achieve this task or what is needed to achieve this task”
- how do we then detect boundaries: maybe from NMDA non-linearity: each edge is coding in a single neuron firing. When two enuron (edges) fire together they would present that shape (i.e 2 edges connecting)
cells are really goos at foing binding and pooling
- Now looking at the variety of cells we have in the visual system: e.g Parvo and magno cells. How to combine those variables? Typically the brain does that all the time:
- Combining a lot of (bunch of) non-linear basis functions and add weights on top of that.
- cd. paper universal computation: if you have many dendritic non-linearities, we can perform very complex pattern recognition
- The way those basis functions are created is by the connectivity patterns of the inhibition on the differnet dendritic columns??
- flexibility to hit the dendrite at different spatial locations
- nmda non-linearity
- Dendritic branch that has spatial non-linearity in it.s