20 Oct 2023Friday 20.10.2023
- Looked into OpenSim (version 4.4) (following Arnault tutorial): attempt to load the ARM model and a motion file created from Neuromotion.
- GUI is not working, I don’t see anything. Tried version 4.3 –> still same issue
- Moved to coding: managed to understand a bit how to simulate MU spike trains and a pool of motor neuron pool
- Switched to SNN and iEMG:
- fixed the plotting in case of splitting the rep into different bins (plot all bins together)
- fixed/revised issue with snn data preparation (wasn’t relying on the correct MU id probably)
- attempt to train on rep 1 and test on rep 2 for a single finger. Looked too promising to be true…will have to look and debug more.
Monday 23.10.2023
[IEMG project]
- Cleaned code/ merged changes. Tested trainning on rep 1 and testing on rep2 for thumb alone, thumb-index (kind of works), thumb-index-middle (doesn’t work), all (not working).
- Attempted to train (and correctly plot) with a batch greater than 1. It doesn’t work in this case of time series. I am not sure why exactly.
- Agnese suggested we use percentage mvc to have a bigger loss –> good idea!
- A new branch removing hidden layer…didn’t test much yet.
Tuesday 24.10.2023
- More testing with a single layer network: managed to make it fit on a thumb
- Refactor notebooks into a python script to start optimization with wandb
Wednesday 25.10.2023
- Documentation of the current stat of the network
- Summarize resuls of the individual sweeps
- Run sweep for all fingers together (2 different weight initialization ranges)
Thursday 26.10.2023
- What is MU angle within a muscle?
- Got through part of the paper on Fuglevand’s model to understansd the neuron parameters
- More sweeps with sclaing the loss function
Monday 30.10.2023
- Sweep rep2 on rep1
- Checkout a new brnach for adding varaibility on the time constants
Friday 3.11.2023
- Problem: can we really train the network on 2 sec windows? is this practical? how do we make the predictions then? We want to see the ouput of the network every 200 -250 ms. Does it matter if we are training on longer times?
Ran sweeps on SNNMonster: it was a nightmare to setup tmux…had problems with the imports then with tmux running with conda…but finally found a fix.
- “Relevance of the spiking model to motor system” might be a good section to add