ISEK 2024 - Day 1
27 Jun 2024Disclaimer: those are rough notes from the talks that are still to be cleaned and re-organized.
Keynote speech: Andrea d’Avella
Decomposition of EMG and patterns of muscle synergies
- One of the biggest challenges is to understand how the motor system orchestrate complex tasks
- There is a clear gap between how humans learn a motor task and the state at which the field of machine learning is currently at.
- The brain is able to perform complex tasks with a very small number of parameters. This is what we call muscle synergies.
- The question: is how does the brain perform these complex tasks so efficiently?
- To answer this question, we can go to Marr’s 3 levels of analysis:
- Computational theory
- Repersentataion models
- Implementation
- To answer this question, we can go to Marr’s 3 levels of analysis:
- He puts forward the muscle synergy hypothesis. Okay, how can we understand this hypothesis and at which level of Marr’s analysis does it pay off?
- He started with a toy arm model
- We know that the muscular system is very redundant; we have many muscles; some of which get activated together when doing a task.
- Looking at Marr’s levels:
- At the very simple level of Marr’s analysis; at a computational level: there must be an optimization going on. model
- at the representaiton level: we look into how a representation of goal is mapped into motor commmand? there must be a functional transformation. An optimal solution would be to compute an inverse function? but how this inverse of an internal model is implmented? how is this computation done?
- Key point: it is at this algorithmic/repesenatation level that we can formualte the muscle synergies hypothesis
- Why this simplification: because we only need a small number of parameters to describe large repertoire of cmotor commands
Illustration on the toy model: planar arm
- 3rd implementaiton level: Neural networks are doing that. This synergy at the implementation lebel, must be a modular network - what is the evidence for that? - Early on there has been attemots to look for those synergies at the individual finger - Hypothesis: EMG decomposition as a combination of muscle synergies (TResch et al Nat. Neuroscience 1999) - NMF to identigy this syneriges with the non-negativity constratins - Over the years there have been many forumation of mucle synergies models
- Achievements:
- EMG decomposition in many sspecies and conditions
- Synerfises in degensive reflexes (spatio-temporal synergies - D’avella Nat. Neuroscience 2003? ) . Thought: can we create and train a RNN to reveal those muscle synergies (top-down). In other words can synergies emerge in a modular network Thorugh very simple representaiton, brain is able to implement very complex and large umber of muscle combinations
- Upper limb control in humans
- human locomotor
- using NMF, they could extract temporal component (ivanenko, J physio, 2004?)
- Neural basis: can we provide evidence at the neural level
- Experiment with stimulation. Saltiel J neurophysio, 1998, 2001. Simulation os spinal cord reveals muscle synergies
- Optogeneic stimulation revels “motor synergy encoding” interneurons
- Intra cortical miscrostimulation (OVerduin et al Neuron 2012) Summary: stimulation exp. and neural recording support modular organizaiton of motor control at the implementation lvel
- Application to clinical field
- How upper-limb synergues after stroke (cheung et al PNAS 2012)
- Summary: muscle synery decmp. provide a novel characterization of motor imparirent after neurological lesions + changes in spatiotemporal synergies after cerebellar damage sugges ttheir corg by cortico-cerevellar loops
- EMG decomposition in many sspecies and conditions
- Open issues:
- Are synergies of neural origin or do they derive from task or biomechancical constraints?
- Testing synergies as a causal model: virtual synergies. Can we predict?
- Selection of the number of synergies
- Rlelation to task space. How are synergies related to task space
- Issue 1:
- Interlude: minimum spatial synergeis to describe a 3 D isometric force space is 3+1 =4 synergies?
Issue 2: tendon- transfer syngery that makes a synerfy inefficeitve. BErger et al JNeurosicence 2013. On how subjects adapt to incompatible surgeries?
Issue 3: how to determine the number of synergies
Issue 4: how to characterise rile of muscle synergies in task space?
- From muscle synergies to Motor neuron syngerfies:
- Are muscle synergies implementeed at the spinal level as motor neuron synergies. Hug et al, J Physiokogy 2023
- One possible each muscle synergy may drive motor e=beyribs if nultiple muscle.
- Laine Dario’s lab
- Simone tanzerella
- Birzelli et al J, neurophysioofy 2024 (co-activateon of biceps and triped for force generation v sjoint stiffeniing)
- Onlne control of synergiestivc MU (Rossato et al, J, Neurosi in press)
- SynergyAnalyzer MAtlab toolbox
- Berg et al RSS 2023 (on the Myosuite end-to end RF, synergy based learning)
- Advertisement: Open postdoc positions on modelling :D
Oral session 2
- Impact of electrode placement on the identified muscle synergies.
- Takeaway: same representation of muscle synergies regardless of placement even though the EMG envelope showed different muscle activiation patterns. This is during walking.
- Talk 4: Christopher how to verify that what we observe is true?
- One approach would be to shuffle the data
- What does it mean to change the center of pressure? looking at events…
Talk 5: - EMG-EMG coherence analysis: in the alpha and beta bands between pairs of muscles.
Session 2:
- Simon’s talk
- Successive tracking of MUs across MVCs
Keynote speaker 2:
- Most of time when we breath: they are the voluntary breath. Motor cirtical and cortical output. There are also the reflex that are active all the time.
- Best way to measure EMG is using intramuscular in the awake wuietly breathing people also from valve muscles
- Why measure MU activity: diaphram mu discharge reglects the discharge of hrenic motoneurons.
- In quiet breathing we are at roughly 10% so we are using only the low-threshold units.
- Instantenous discharge frequency aligned with the airflow activity: a roughtly of 20 Hz
- Part 2: Inspiratory motorneurons in quiet breathing
- Lost of muscles that are acitve in every breath
- Diaphram is one of the biggest muscles expanding the rip cage.
- Early it was beleived that MU are activated buphasocally during breathing: like they are active at teh begining of the breath and another time towards the end of the breathing. (Butler 1999 J Physiology).
- Cofired the Henneman’s size principle (5 MUs recordied with the electrode)
- TAFPLOT (time frequency plot: mean range of firing frequency is 12.5 Hz)