ISEK 2024 - Day 3
29 Jun 2024Keynote speech: Sandra K Hunter
- Limit of motor perdoamce descline with age for both men and women. Physical activity can affect those limits.
- Even the most eliste athelete exhibit age-related decline. So what happens independednt of activity lebel.
age related loss of limb strngth & power
- Hunter 2000 Decline overall of strngth at 10% er decade of the knee extensor muscles of older women
- Afing of the nueromuscular syste:
- limb power is more predictive of motor performance. It is about strngth of the msucle and speed of contraction?
- With aging there is a slowing of the muscle
- There is an association between power olimb muscles and functionatil activity such as the ability to take the stairs or walk for 6 min
- A reduced power leads to fatigability
age-related changes within the neuromuscular system
- Brain atrophy with age is a given at 2% per decade
- loss of grey matter, neurons and synapses with age but also loss of fibers as a result which leads to muscle atrophy
- Fibers as well schrink with age. Type I fiber (slow fibers), type II (fast fiber) are even smaller (with age women losing more type II fibers.
- They looked at single muscle fiber to tell whether the loss of power is becayse of the overall less numerb fo fibers or that each individual fiber's power is less
- the intrinsic stnegh of fiber is not impaired but its the size of the muscle masss
Dies neural drive to muscle change
- quantify the neural drive by stimulating during voluntary activation with transcranial stimulation?
- For isometric tasks, the older adults (<75 years) ar not as fatigable as young adults
- For dynamic tasks, old adults are more fatigable during